Fear is often the root of why we stop forward movement in the areas important to us. At times, movement will cease due to a lack of clarity. And a lack of clarity opens the door to fear. You want to transition out of your career or job and start your own business, but...
At some point you have to square off with fear and say, “I’m going to move forward even if I have to do it courageously—afraid!” I would like to invite you to purchase my book: No Fear. Fear will Grip You or Grow You! Please visit my site, where you can see all the...
In Conversations of Care through LisaShawCares.com I’m joined by my dear friend Dr. Jennifer Bennett of drjenbennett.com. Jennifer is a wife, mom, the Communication and Program Director at a University in NC and is the author of a phenomenal book: Be Worth...
In Conversations of Care listen to my friend Tammy share her “porch experience” I love that she said, rest is productivity. Tammy Weiser Spedden is an amazing woman, wife, mom, and pastor of a local church with her husband. You can find Tammy on her...
Ladies, I have been taping brief, casual Conversations of Care with ladies for the last two weeks to encourage YOU. Today, we have the amazing Jean Jeffreys of JeanJeffreys.com You don’t want to miss this woman of God who is a ministry leader, business owner,...
Ladies, check out Conversations of Care with my friend and client Kim Reisch Vander Poel the CEO/Owner of Fresh Impact. She’s a wife, mom, grandma, business owner, nurse and breast cancer survivor. I love that Kim talked about social distancing vs. social...