Ladies, check out Conversations of Care with my friend and client Kim Reisch Vander Poel the CEO/Owner of Fresh Impact. She’s a wife, mom, grandma, business owner, nurse and breast cancer survivor. I love that Kim talked about social distancing vs. social...
Hi clients, friends, and visitors of First and foremost, we are praying for ALL of you, your loved ones and the world around us. We know that this is a serious illness and some are dealing with fear at this time. My prayer is that we choose our faith...
Do you have clarity in what’s important to you? It was 2002, fifteen women sat in my living room with one aim — to get clarity — to get unstuck so that they can move forward as it related to their families, jobs, purpose, dreams and so on. During the...
The necessity of trust. Healthy communication is grounded first in trust. Over the years, one of my passions has been coaching and training women leaders or emerging leaders and just as in any relationship, when there is a strain within their teams at the root you can...
Celebrate your wins even the mini or micro wins! This week, don’t overlook your mini or micro wins. I always encourage my clients to celebrate their wins because it encourages you, reflects that you are moving in a forward motion, helps you to stay focused and...
On this cool clear Fall day, I want you to remember this, be patient with yourself. You are courageous in ways you may not realize! You are impacting others in your sphere of influence. You are taking bold steps to live the fearless life God has purposed for you! Be...