Have you ever felt stretched thin, trying to juggle all the responsibilities of family, business, ministry, volunteer positions, and personal growth—while staying faithful to the call God has placed on your life? If so, you’re not alone. One of the hardest, yet most...
Fear is often the root of why we stop forward movement in the areas important to us. At times, movement will cease due to a lack of clarity. And a lack of clarity opens the door to fear. You want to transition out of your career or job and start your own business, but...
Friend, Last time, I shared 3 areas for us to consider as women and men who are serving and working as leaders in both ministry and business should we face serious or difficult situations. 1. Plan in advance for your mental health, emotional and spiritual care. 2....
Do you have clarity in what’s important to you? It was 2002, fifteen women sat in my living room with one aim — to get clarity — to get unstuck so that they can move forward as it related to their families, jobs, purpose, dreams and so on. During the...
I was helping one of my clients work through a new plan of action for transitioning out of one area of her livelihood and into another. During the course of the first strategy session she said, “I feel stuck Lisa.” If you feel stuck then you are stuck....
To keep your sanity sometimes you have to say No. It’s not personal. It’s wisdom! I shared this on my private profile page on Facebook and in no time there were 41 likes and counting! Why? Because we all relate to this! We can all feel a little insane at...