What’s Getting In The Way?
If you want your personal life (care of yourself spiritually, physically, thought-life, and emotions), your business or ministry, your career or job, your friendships, and more to look different in 2024, something different will be required of you. Yes, I know. I felt...
Share Your Story without Guilt or Shame
In 2024, share your story and do it without embarrassment, guilt, or shame to the people God leads you to. Is there a book within you? Write it. Is there a song within you? Sing it. Is there a business within you? Start it. Is there a ministry within you? Build it....
Block out the Noise!
If God called you to it, then do it. Block out the noise in life that is trying to distract you—people’s opinions, fears, anxiety, the what ifs, the Is it too late, am I too young or too old? Can I live out my purpose? And more. It’s a new year and time to SOAR in...
God is the real CEO
I start each day in prayer, and among what I share with God are three heart areas I always express to Him: Use me Lord and give me wisdom in all that you put in my heart and hands to steward over today. Thank you for blessing me to be a blessing in the lives of...
What are you prepared to do now?
God loves you. He is not only with you, He is for you. He put gifts and talents in you to be used to make an impact on this earth in the lives of others--same reason you have acquired skills, knowledge, and experience--to serve through your business, on your job, in...
9 things to consider before you like, follow, share or join on social media
Hey Friends, grab your coffee and lets dig in on this topic. In our day and age of technology, there is a constant hammering of invites on all forms of social media. We are invited to like, subscribe, follow and to share. We are often asked to join a group, network or...
Part 2: Handling working and serving when facing serious situations
Friend, Last time, I shared 3 areas for us to consider as women and men who are serving and working as leaders in both ministry and business should we face serious or difficult situations. 1. Plan in advance for your mental health, emotional and spiritual care. 2....
How do you handle working and serving when you are facing serious situations
Whether you are an Entrepreneur, Ministry Leader, CEO, CFO, Speaker, Teacher and so on, we all have times when situations arise for oneself or a loved one, that demand our immediate attention (focus and time), energy, and resources. No one is immune from the...
Follow the Ultimate Leader
Happy New Year Friends! I was cleaning out an area of my office in preparation for the exciting and scary (yes I said scary), opportunities that God has given to me for 2023. I bet you have a few of those too. It just means we need Him in order to accomplish it all....
[VIDEO] Stop the Bleeding with the right A.T.T.I.T.U.D.E.
This is so worth listening to as women leaders, and those influencing anyone's life in any way. I hope you'll grab a beverage and listen in closely. I pray it encourages and strengthens you. Even if you say, Lisa, I'm not a leader. It's OK. It's still worth listening...
[VIDEO] It’s OK to say, I’m not OK
You are God's greatest asset! It's OK to say as a woman, a leader, wife, mother, single woman, business woman, business owner, speaker, mentor, teacher, grandma and so on that you are NOT OK. Your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health matters to God....
6 tips to set up your staff and volunteers for success
Set your staff, volunteers, teams, groups and department members up for success: 1. Don't micromanage. It may ruin your goals or vision. I have seen this both in the sacred and secular communities. It is an unhealthy form of leadership. It can be viewed as...