Welcome ladies to The Whole Woman with Lisa Shaw and Women of the Word Roundtable. If I were to invite you to my home we would either sit around my dining room table or throw our naked feet up on the sofa in my family room and we’d get into the Word and chat. Well, sadly, we can’t all come together in person but God on my heart to come together as women of the Word to talk about Women in the Word. It’s sort of like a bible study, but not exactly. I have asked these precious women to come on the program and share about one specific woman who has touched their lives time and again. We all have many women and men in the Bible we glean from but if you’re like me, in certain seasons of your life, there is usually one main one you return to constantly for encouragement and strength.
Grab your Bibles and as I love to say, a cup of something good, and listen in. I would love to hear from you if the program encourages you in any way. Please listen in to the amazing women below who are sharing their heart in God as they talk about the women in the Word they have gleaned from.
Julie Sanders
Listen in as Julie shares her heart on Phoebe from Romans 16:1-2 ESV.
You can connect with Julie at Come Have a Peace.
Dori Cook
Doris is sharing her heart today on Leah from Genesis 29:32, 34-35 (Holman Christian Standard Bible).
You can connect with Dori at Far Down the Road: Traveling Home & Lessons Learned Along the Way.
Lori Wildenberg
Lori will share her heart on the Mother of Samson from Judges 13:2-3 (NIV) (infertility), Judges 13:6 (spiritual conversations in marriage, prayer), Judges 14:3 (life unexpected with the prayed for kids).
You can connect with Lori at Lori Wildenberg
It is our prayer that you will be blessed by this series: Women of the Word Roundtable. If you missed part 1 where three amazing women shared on Eve, Esther and Rahab, please listen to this Podcast – Women of the Word Roundtable Part 1
or part 2 where two more amazing women shared on the Woman at the Well and Mary/Martha, please listen to this Podcast – Women of the Word Roundtable Part 2.
Blessings and thank you for listening in.