Welcome ladies to The Whole Woman online radio program! Women S.W.E.T. Whole Living series is about the care of ourselves spiritually, physically (weight/health), emotionally and in our thoughts combined with relationally, financially and social care. Hence, the WHOLE woman. We begin with part 1 today, the introduction. Grab your bible, pad and pen and a hot cup of something good and listen in. This is going to encourage, empower, stretch and challenge, comfort and heal you as women of God. It’s time we hear God on the care of ourselves.
Let me note that the W in S.W.E.T. which is weight is NOT about being a certain size on the scale, wearing a certain size clothing, etc. is about living what’s healthy for you based on how God’s leading your life.
Be sure to visit my BLOG link on the navigation bar for the posts and videos that will be posted each weekend after the program, during the series.
I pray this series is life to you precious woman of God! Stay tuned for next week Thursday, November 14th where we tackle the S in S.W.E.T.
Praying for you and excited for what God will do in our lives as we travel this journey together!