Welcome ladies to The Whole Woman! Our current series is Women S.W.E.T. Whole Living and it’s about the care of ourselves spiritually, physically (weight/health), emotionally and in our thoughts combined with relational, financial and social care. Hence, the WHOLE woman. We began last week with part 1 the introduction. You can listen to that Podcast at The Whole Woman Radio_Podcast link.
Today our focus was on the W in S.W.E.T. which is about weight (physical care of ourselves).
Here’s what I know for sure, your value is not in the number on the scale, the size jeans you wear or whether or not you have to wear spanx underneath your clothing for everything to smooth out. No, your values has already been established by God, in God and through God. You are beautiful in God’s eyes. Your weight does not dictate whether or not God will use your life for His glory either. The problem is many times women have trouble believing that truth especially when commercials, magazine racks and reality TV is screaming at women telling them what size constitutes beauty and what is acceptable. Acceptable to whom? This program is not about losing weight or dieting, it’s about taking better care of ourselves physically. You are worth it!
You’ll need your Bible, a pad and pen and a good cup of something because we dove into the Word. I gave you growth assignments to help you as well. If you are like me, then you are not a woman who just wants to remain the way you are. You want to continuously grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord or perhaps you’ve not begun to grow and you’re ready now. That’s awesome! This is for you too. This is going to encourage, empower, stretch and challenge, comfort and heal you as you open your heart to hear God on the care of ourselves. You are His adored!
I believe that the remnant of women that God has purposed to not just listen in but to engage this series in their private lives with God; will begin to see Christ-centered change in their lives in ways that only God could do. This is YOUR LIFE. Use it wisely and for His glory. God wants you to enjoy your life and that won’t truly happen without continuously growing spiritually.
Praying with you and honored to serve you.