Welcome to The Whole Woman with Lisa Shaw, online radio program. On today’s program (Thursday, 4/10/2014), Lisa dives into an encouraging, challenging and healing message on: What’s hindering your inner beauty?
So often as women, we focus on the outer appearance when the inner heart is hurting and wounded. We live stuck in patterns of thinking, defeating words, negative behaviors and hurtful circumstances that have adversely affected us. We live bent over, and often as “bleeders”, never really experiencing the fullness of who God has said that we are, or doing what He’s purposed us to do. The King is calling you to Himself so that He can heal the broken egg shells of your heart and whisper into your ear, “You are my precious Jewel”. Grab your Bible as we go to Mark 5 and Luke 13. Bring your beautiful smile and an open heart to hear and receive. You are beautiful in God’s eyes!
If you struggle in any of those hindrances above and all the rest I discuss in the actual Podcast, please let how God sees you bring healing to your life.
View links for information on You Are Beautiful in God’s Eyes book, Companion Study Guide (CSG) and 9 Week Book (audio) Study to bless you!
Need Prayer? Please reach out! I’d love to pray for you in line with the Word of God.
P.S. I understand what it means to live hindered. I did throughout my childhood and into my mid-twenties. I’m close to 50 now. I shared a bit in this post today, Jesus, a crutch? I pray it blesses you.