God loves you. He is not only with you, He is for you. He put gifts and talents in you to be used to make an impact on this earth in the lives of others–same reason you have acquired skills, knowledge, and experience–to serve through your business, on your job, in your ministry, or at your place of worship, in your community and so on.
Don’t sit down. Get up. Arise. Your voice, heart, hands, abilities, and resources are needed! If you or how God uses your life is not welcomed, wanted, needed, or not accepted where you are, then pray for wisdom and direction and let God lead you to who, where, and what He has for you where you’re celebrated not tolerated–where you’re using what He put within you to bless others.
Your story is needed! Your testimony was walked through so that you can help others to walk through theirs!
You will walk through FIRE, BUT that comes with the territory of giving your all to love, help, educate, inspire, motivate, and equip those God puts in your path to bless!
Get up, friend! It’s time to arise! Let God use you now. Don’t wait to be approved. God welcomes you! God approves you! He created you! He loves you!
We are a few WEEKS into 2024 Go do it! Go become it! Let the light of the Lord shine through you! Let the creativity of God create through YOU.
What are you prepared to do now? There’s a YES waiting for you–open doors–opportunities to help people to have hope and to see themselves through the lens of God’s eyes (His Word). Whatever He’s put in your hands–whomever He puts in your path–whatever you are passionate about, gifted, skilled, called and purposed to do, PRAY for wisdom and guidance, commit it unto God so that He will establish it, and get up and run into it!
No matter what may come, make it a great year just by the decisions you make to honor God in your day-to-day, pray through it all, be a blessing in whatever you do, walk with integrity and good character, and give God the glory!
YES–You are more than a conqueror!! Seize the opportunities to impact others in His Name! No more waiting. Thank you, Lord!
2024 January Blessings, friends! And remember to SMILE. You’ll make someone’s day with a warm smile and, if possible, a warm hug.
If you are interested in finding more about the services I offer, please contact me via Email Lisa@LisaShawCares.com or at LisaShawCares.com. I would love the opportunity to connect with you.
Warm regards,
Lisa Shaw