If you’ve ever walked through a dry season in your business—when the clients aren’t coming, the numbers aren’t adding up, and your confidence feels like it’s slipping—you’re not alone. These moments can feel heavy and disheartening, especially when you’re doing everything you know to do, and it still feels like not enough.
But there’s a truth in Jeremiah 17:7-8 that brings deep comfort and clarity:
“Blessed [with spiritual security] is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord. For he will be [nourished] like a tree planted by the waters, that spreads out its roots by the river; and will not fear the heat when it comes; but its leaves will be green and moist. And it will not be anxious and concerned in a year of drought nor stop bearing fruit.”
This passage reminds us of a powerful truth: God’s provision and presence are not limited by the economy, the algorithm, or our current circumstances. Read that again!
The woman who chooses to trust God deeply with her business is like that tree planted by the water. She’s nourished not by trends, likes, or even cash flow, but by the steady stream of God’s faithfulness. Even when the “heat” comes—when business feels dry and uncertain—she remains rooted, growing, and fruitful.
What does this look like practically?
- It looks like praying for your current clients and those to come! Expectation prayers!
- It looks like praying over your products and services before sharing them.
- It looks like resting when the world says hustle. No offense, I don’t like the word hustle. That’s not what I’m doing.
- It looks like continuing to serve with excellence, even when results are slow.
- It looks like reminding yourself: “My business is a seed in God’s hands, and He is faithful to bring the harvest in due time.”
The heat will come. The drought seasons will happen. But the promise is this–you will not stop bearing fruit.
Even if it’s not the fruit you expected, God will use your faithfulness to plant seeds in others, to grow your character, and to remind you that you are not doing this alone.
Focus on this…
- Pause and pray. Surrender your business goals and worries to the Lord. Be honest—He can handle it.
- Get rooted in the Word. Let His promises nourish you more than metrics or market trends.
- Keep showing up. Obedience in hard times is still obedience—and God honors it.
- Get a Credentialed Experienced Coach – Get someone that is proven in their area of expertise and invest in yourself by paying them to serve you. Don’t just look for what’s free. Look for who and what will actually help you in this season. You don’t have all the answers. We’re not meant to go it alone.
Friend, you are not forgotten in this season. You are planted. You are nourished. You are bearing fruit, even if you can’t see it all yet. Stay rooted. Stay expectant. And remember—your business is in the hands of the One who never withholds what’s good for you.
Lisa Shaw
Web: LisaShawCares.com
Email: Lisa@LisaShawCares.com
Note: This blog is under copyright 2025 Lisa Shaw