Today is the FIRST day. The first day of the action step needed to set a decision you’ve made into motion can be very daunting.
- the first day of class
- the first day of your business
- the first day at a new job
- the first day at a new church
- the first day of your organization’s launch
- the first day on a date
- the first day of relocating to a new state
- the first day of getting healthy and fit
- the first day of showing your home to a potential buyer
- the first day of taking a leap of faith in a particular area
It can be daunting because of the unknown. The unknown raises questions of doubt:
- Is this the right decision?
- What if it doesn’t work?
- What if I fail at it?
- How will it be received by others?
- Will I be successful at this?
The unknown has a tendency to spark fear. Fear raises questions of judgment:
- What will others think or say if I fail at this?
- Will I be talked about, rejected or judged?
- Should I say anything to anyone? I’ll stay silent just in case it flops!
- Will I be able to start over if I have to?
The FIRST day of anything that you have decided to do is going to be a bit intimidating particularly if you’ve never done it before. I invite you to view it as an amazing opportunity for YOU to shine at your best — for you to operate in the gifts, talents and skill set that you have rather than to view it as a potential negative. I believe God gives us the strength and grace to step where He’s leading. I trust Him even when the unknown or fear rears it’s head and attempts to intimidate me.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
When you’re taking a first-step in a particular area it’s always good to have a network of support around you — family, friends, a leader you respect, a coach, and so on. People who will pray for you…cheer for you…and support you even during the difficult moments — those moments when those questions of doubt and judgment attempt to squash your dreams and mess with your purpose. You need someone in your corner to remind you: YOU CAN DO IT!
Today, Monday, April 17th at 8:00 am, I took another leap of faith. It’s a FIRST day for me in a personal area. Is it a bit challenging? Yes. However, I know it’s what God is leading me to do. I also have the support of my immediate family and a sister-friend so it’s a go! I stepped out and I’ll find out how it’s going to work out — I’m trusting it will be great! I embrace the emotions of nervousness and excitement. I know it’s something that’s beneficial to me and will help me to further help other women.
When we’re considering taking first-steps it’s important to remember who you love and serve in your personal and professional life and why you love and serve them. That will help you as you prayerfully and carefully make your decisions.
Have you taken any first-steps lately? Are you having a FIRST day experience along with me? If so, do share in the comment section. Feel free to share this post to help others that you know as well. I’m praying for you with excitement!
Cheering you on!