Hey Friend,
Just a quick message to share that I am excited to speak today (Feb. 20th) at a Virtual Lunch & Learn to the amazing Christian Business Women Group under the Central Florida Christian Chamber of Commerce!
Teaching on Mindset Shifts: Overwhelm. We all face overwhelm! It’s important to align ourselves with biblical principles and with strategies to move from striving to surrender, from pressure to purpose! We will dive into five strategies to navigate and even to avoid overwhelm.
Prayers are appreciated as I serve these amazing ladies! Thank you! If interested in the Virtual there is a registration fee through the chamber. Here’s the LINK to the website and the LINK to the event today.
Have an incredibly blessed day! I am praying for you and all God has purposed for you!
Web: LisaShawCares.com
Email: Lisa@LisaShawCares.com
Tel: 407-473-4888