Ecclessiastics 4:9-10 (ESV)Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!
I am a woman who believes 100% in the support of other women. It is not that I don’t support men or children, because I do, but I firmly believe that when women support each other it makes them better in every aspect of their lives whether they are mothers, sisters, daughters, nieces, friends, single women, married, divorced, widowed, business women, ministry leaders, church workers, volunteers, care-givers, students, teachers, and more. When women hold up the arms of one another it touches families, communities, cities, states, nations and the world. Just think of the impact we can make to our generation, the one ahead of us and to the ones behind us. I’m not necessarily talking about mentoring, although I wholeheartedly agree with mentoring and have mentored many women over the years; but I’m talking about just being there for each other–women helping women.
- A listening ear without harsh criticism or the need to fix the person or the age-old statement: “If I were you, I would…” As if we have all the answers.
- A kind or strengthening word
- A smile, a hug or a belly laugh
- A faith-filled prayer
- A compassionate word of correction
- Sharing your stories of what God has done in your lives and what He’s brought you through
- Supporting each other to get unstuck and move forward in life
- A confidential chat. In other words, sharing your hearts without the fear that one of you will go tell someone else
- And when needed or just to give another woman a break: a meal, financial help, cleaning each others home, caring for each others kids, assisting with a project and so on.
There is so much in the world that is negative between women, in social media, on television, at work, in friendships and families and yes in the church: bickering, fighting, back-stabbing, lying, cursing each other out, cutting each other off, being disingenuous with one another, covetousness, engaging conflict but not willing to engage conflict resolution, comparisons, jealousy, anger, unforgiveness and deeply hurt feelings. But, there’s hope. There is always hope in Jesus Christ. I believe that in these times, it’s a great opportunity for women of all ages, stages, backgrounds and cultures to come together and support one another.
Let’s deal with the elephant in the room–let’s face it, you’re not going to click with everyone. We’ve been called and commanded by God to love everyone but that doesn’t mean that you’re going to like everyone’s personality. I get it but even in that we don’t have to be unkind. If you’ve tried on your part and it’s like forcing a square object into a round hole, then continue to pray for them, lovingly, and move forward without animosity.
One of the greatest gifts we can give each other as women is to be able to genuinely say: “I have your back!” Now how good does that feel to know that someone has your back? It’s an incredible feeling. To know that you can just be you–no special titles to address each other, no dress-up, no putting it on to be someone who impresses–NO, just being YOU. You are more than enough because you have been made in the image of God. How amazing is that? Pretty amazing! And God has put some amazing characteristics down inside of you to be used to bless those around you. How about pouring some of those precious gifts of love and encouragement out on other women and say, I have your back!
I’ll be there to grow with you in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I’ll be there to discover great nuggets of wisdom as we read the Word together either directly in our Bibles or on our iPad, Laptop or Tablets Bible Apps. I’ll journey with you! I have your back!
I’ll rejoice with you through every answered prayer, every victory and every open door of opportunity from Heaven. I’ll rejoice with you as you go through the grueling process of being pruned because I know you’ll come out of it growing even more in God. I’ll rejoice with you as your family grows and even as they go through things and come out on the other side shining like gold because of God’s goodness. I’ll rejoice with you as you prayerfully and carefully put one foot in front of the other and go get IT girl! Whatever it is that God told you to go be, get, give or do! I’ll rejoice with you as I pray with you for your life to be all that God has purposed and for those whom you love to receive that same blessing. I’ll rejoice with you as we worship our Lord and King together!
I have your back through every tear and fear! I have your back through every test of time! And as we mature and get wiser in the Lord, I’ll have your back as our Day draw nears. Until then, let’s keep going because we have more lives to touch, much life yet to live and other women to teach how to have each others back!
Proverbs 27:9 (ESV) Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.
Proverbs 27:17 (KJV) Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
Whose back do you have? Who can count on you? Is your heart on lock-down because you’ve been hurt? I understand that but you can’t close up and shut down because someone hurt you. We’ve all been there but shutting down means the devil seemingly wins because you will be shutting down on the gifting of God within you to love another.
Much love and know that I am praying for you because in prayer, I have your back!