I so appreciate the wonderful review of my latest book No Fear: Fear will Grip You or Grow You that Bernadine wrote on her blog Trusting Him with Today.
Here’s some of her review. For the rest, please click on the link provided at the end.
“Have you ever been excited about making changes to your life? You finally decided to start following your dreams when suddenly fear reared its ugly head? In your mind you go through all the different scenarios, the what ifs, the what will people think, the I cant’s… After a while your excitement drains away and you find yourself stuck in limbo with your dreams remaining something that is always in the distant future.
If this describes you in anyway, or if you’ve ever given in to fear at any time in your life then Lisa Shaw’s new book, No Fear: Fear Will Grip You or Grow You is exactly what you need.”
For Bernadine’s full review click HERE
For more Book Reviews please click HERE
Thanks so much Bernadine. I’m blessed beyond words to see how the book encouraged you. Keep soaring my friend!