Join Lisa Shaw on The Whole Woman at 11:00 am EST, Thursday, Feb. 20, 2014 for: Are you that 3 in 1 woman? We hear a lot of messages today about fulfilling our purpose, heading toward our destiny, being all that God has purposed us to be but down under the core of the woman is often roots that run deep that only Jesus can fix.. When those roots are dug up and dealt with then, we can worship effectively and be used to the fullest by God because the deadness inside of us, the issues that we carry around and the bondage’s that grip us will be broken and we will be resurrected within, healed and made whole. We’ll look at two women and one young lady that Jesus touched in great ways. Because I once was all three I call them the 3 in 1 woman. Grab your Bible, pad and pen and let’s dig in.