I was helping one of my clients work through a new plan of action for transitioning out of one area of her livelihood and into another. During the course of the first strategy session she said, “I feel stuck Lisa.” If you feel stuck then you are stuck. However, that’s a place or position that can be worked through with the proper tools, support and most of all, God’s wisdom and help.
I then asked her the question that would help get below the first layer. You see, there are times that we think the problems are money, people, positions, or situations when there is something a few layers deeper than that. The question I asked stirred her and caused her to think. This question opened a dialogue where I was able to coach her to the root of the real situation. Once that was done, we could begin to work on a strategy plan for her to accomplish what was important to her.
If you’re feeling STUCK ask yourself the question that I asked her: What are you avoiding?
Take a deep breath and answer with transparency. Root questions bare root answers every time. If you are feeling stuck, reach out. I’d love the opportunity to strategize with you as you walk through this journey. Contact me here and let’s discuss how I can best support you.