One thing I know for sure in over three decades of my walk with God– He can handle it. Whatever the it is, you can be assured that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit can handle it.
What’s the it in your life right now? Disease, sickness, injury, financial hardship, prodigal adult children, struggling teens, unpleasant marriage, harsh divorce, the hurt of widow-hood, broken friendship, estranged from a loved one, job loss, facing eviction, an unkind boss, a hurtful situation at church, a broken down car?
What’s the it in your life right now? Fear, anger, anxiety, worry, frustration, painful memories, penetrating problems robbing you of sleep. Perhaps it’s joylessness, loneliness, discouragement, or the bitterness of rejection or betrayal.
Maybe your it is waiting. The waiting room of the Doctors office for you or a loved one. The waiting for a phone call from a loved one you’ve been praying for who is living destructively. The waiting for your healing to be manifested, marriage to be healed, prodigal child to return to God and to your family, the hurt to ease in a problem, the job offer to come through, the church-hurt to end, a friendship to be restored, your peace to return.
We all have an it at some point don’t we?
Side note: Many people right now are going through very difficult times personally, professionally, in ministries, churches and personal relationships. Many are walking it alone, hurting in private while publicly having to go on with business as usual. Some say people walk it alone by choice. Some do but not all. I believe some are walking it alone because if they dare to turn to someone they’ll be judged, misunderstood or be gaveled over the head with the 5 steps to this and 7 steps to that— in other words, they will be met with the “I have all the answers” syndrome or “You’re faith must not be strong enough”. Sometimes we must be silent and just pray and encourage someone. You don’t always have a word from the Lord to give to someone and if He gave you a word for them, sit on it and pray over it until you’re sure it’s not your own emotions wanting to speak to that person. We do so much damage when we pray-less and talk-more. Advice or direction can further wound the wounded especially when it’s disguised under the premise of “God said for me to tell you….”. Make sure that in your desire to be well-meaning, that you are truly speaking at the direction of the Holy Spirit and not out of your own advice-bank or emotions.
At times the best way to help a person is to listen. And then, listen some more–attentively and then, pray for them and listen with a spiritual ear. Show compassion because truth be told, you are probably not able to help them to fix the “IT” in their life but you can be a loving, compassionate support to guide them toward the One who can: GOD.
I don’t know what you’re it is but what I can speak to is GOD is with you but you’ve got to let Him in. That can be difficult when hell is rising up against you or satan has dispatched his demons to go after someone you love and in their rebellion they are listening to him and don’t even realize it. But when hell is rising up, we have to open ourselves to hearing from God in the midst of it all and not allow the its to drown out His voice found in the Word:
1 John 4:4 AMP Little Children, you are of God [you belong to Him] and have [already] defeated and overcome them [the agents of the antichrist], because He Who lives in you is greater (mightier) then he who is in the world.
Psalm 91:11 AMP For He will give His angels [especial] charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways [of obedience and service].
I stand on the shoulders of His Holy Word where I am fully supported and kept high above the fray, able to get my wind beneath me to go back into battle because if you understand Ephesians 6:10-24 this is a battle and it’s not against flesh and blood. God has given us what we need to hold up under the weight of it all.
What I know for sure about my walk with God is that He’s my calm in the storm–my light in the darkness–my joy in the pain–my peace in the battle–my soothing in the wait–my laughter even in the tears. He’s my ALL and ALL. He’s not failed me. He’s girded me up when my knees have been weak. He’s dried up the tears when all I could do is weep. He’s comforted my heart when the pain has griped me. When my strength has been weak, I can lean on Him for He is my Strengthener. I pray that you know Him as your Strengthener as well because He loves you and His Word has given us a powerful instruction–one that gives strength in the midst of all of the its:
1 Peter 5:7 AMPCasting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.
The LORD GOD not only can handle our its, He wants to handle them so we can release them to Him. Lean in hard on Him for whatever it is that you are facing right now. I pray in the Name of Jesus, as you release the cares; the its, to God that you’ll leave them with Him, trusting that He–the Sovereign, Holy, Righteous God, has the best in mind for you and those whom you love. Walk in His peace.
Blessings and peace to you!