Happy New Year Friends!
I was cleaning out an area of my office in preparation for the exciting and scary (yes I said scary), opportunities that God has given to me for 2023. I bet you have a few of those too. It just means we need Him in order to accomplish it all. That’s a great place to be in. To hear more about that visit my YouTube and view the Are you ready? video. I share my word for 2023. I would love to read about yours so feel free to comment below.
As I cleaned out an area in my office, I came across the devotional Leadership Promises for Every Day, by John Maxwell. I purchased it a few years ago but now is the time to use it. I’m an admitted long-term reader of John Maxwell and have taken his courses/classes when offered. He’s one of the best. I recommend his books to long-time current and emerging leaders.
I opened the devotional and the very first page grabbed me.
God Has Promised His Guidance:
“I will lead them in paths they have not known.
I will make darkness light before them.
And crooked places straight.
These things I will do for them.,
And not forsake them.”
Isaiah 42:16
John ended that scripture with, “May you follow Him as you lead.” He goes on to talk about God being the Ultimate Leader. That’s a powerful truth and focus to keep in our minds and in our hearts as we lead others. It leads from a place of humility rather than pride; a place of wisdom and clarity.
Just allow yourself to take in that scripture and John’s encouragement to follow Him (God) as you lead. If you’re reading this you probably are a leader already and as such you know that role is not for the faint of heart. Leadership is a servant’s role. It’s an opportunity to help others to become their best and do their best and to love, influence, and make a significant impact in the lives of people who depend on you.
Leadership is not just in one industry or arena if you will, it is, however, anywhere that you are playing a part in the success of another person. Parents are leaders. Older siblings are leaders. Grandparents are leaders. Business owners are leaders. Church and ministry heads are leaders. Ministry, business, or community teams, groups, and department heads are leaders. Non-profit and for-profit organizational heads are leaders. Teachers are leaders. Coaches are leaders. Speakers, authors, and other types of communicators are leaders. People who work in lead roles in the marketplace are leaders–from Mom and Pop shops to online, brick-and-mortar, or small, medium, or large businesses. If you have the privilege to influence and impact others then you are a leader. Let me say this, you may not be called a leader but if you are influencing others then you ARE a leader. I’m just scratching the surface in this list.
The key is to develop yourself in whatever area God has put you in as a leader. A primary way to develop oneself as a leader is to realize at the start that you need God’s guidance. His Word (Bible) is that primary place of guidance in addition to prayer and following the leading of the Holy Spirit. I remember early on in my life that people of faith separated what they did at church from what they did for a job or career. I had to let God retrain my brain on that long ago because wherever we are as people of faith, we have been given influence by God to make a difference (inside the four walls of the church and every place beyond those four walls). I’m grateful I learned that lesson early on.
Please go back and read Isaiah 42:16 above again. What is God saying to you about who you are as a leader? What’s His promise to you? In what ways are you prepared to set that promise in front of you and within your heart to live it for real in this new year? Some of the best leaders that I know follow God as they lead others. It has been the focus of my own life since I became a leader in my youth. I lean in on God’s Word to lead me as I lead others. I believe good leaders first learn to lead themselves and to do that through humility and good character, transparency, and a desire to honor God and lead people with integrity and care. As a leader, you (and I) are imperfect and flawed. We will at times unintentionally disappoint the people we lead. Perfection is not for leaders or for anyone. Being our best and doing our best is essential. Again, another reason to let God lead us as we lead others. Only He can make crooked places straight and lead us in paths we do not know.
How wonderful is that?!
I pray that this would be a powerful year for you as you let God lead you as you lead others!