I posted this April 28th on my LisaShawCares Facebook page and wanted to share it here today for anyone who visits.
Who you are matters and what you do matters. I had a strategy session earlier with an amazing woman (she is not the one in the image below). She’s a wife, mother of adult children and as of last week, a grandmother. She’s returning to school at 55 to get her degree.
During our coaching session, she said, “Lisa, I don’t think what I can do with this degree will really matter. I’m not a young woman anymore. While I still speak into the hearts and minds of women, I stopped pastoring 20 years ago with my husband. I wonder the point of online courses. Will it really matter? Should I spend this money now? Do I really matter now? I know how crazy it sounds but I do wonder.”
With her permission, I shared her words above.
What most stood out to me was the REAL question — “Do I really matter now?” Have you been there friends? Wondering if who you are and how you are will STILL make a difference or perhaps you’ve wondered if you’ve EVER made a difference? I’ve been there as well so I know the feeling.
It’s not about titles or positions, it’s about our character, how we show up in the earth, what we DO with that title or position to bless others, and honoring God is REALLY what matters.
We had a great session, and I’m grateful to say she’s making a SHIFT in her mindset to one that will serve her well as she CONTINUES to serve her family and others with excellence. I’m excited to walk this journey with her the next three months of coaching.
Friends, YOU do matter! What you do and how you do it also matters. You are making a difference.
Here to serve you,