Grab your beverage and pull up a chair. Get ready to laugh! I think we forgot we were having an interview! Join me and my friend, and former client Belinda Bullard of as we share in Conversations of Care through is a wife, mother, home-schooled her three children who are now young adults and a teenager. She is a entrepreneur, the author and founder of A Blessed Heritage Educational Resource found at Belinda loves history and as she says, “All History is God’s story.” While her primary focus is writing curriculum for African American history, she also focuses on other heritages such as Hispanic, Asian, etc. so that students are learning through a variety of lenses. She is also an engineer by formal trade, a professional writer and a serious Gardner! I say her gardens are blessed by God’s Hands!
**Please excuse the technical difficulties at the end but it’s brief and doesn’t hinder the messaging.
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