You wouldn’t keep stinky garbage in your home, right? Well, throw out every stinky, negative thought about WHO YOU ARE! Yes, you’ve made mistakes. Yes, you’ve not reached all of your goals. We all can say that. We can learn from it so that we can move forward. It’s not always about arriving it’s more about the journey lessons!
Change your internal and external dialogue and remind yourself:
I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am the apple of God’s eye, his workmanship, and masterpiece. I am smart, loving, compassionate, gifted and fierce! I may not have done all that I need to do or become all that I need to become but I am definitely NOT the same person I was a year ago. I’m learning. I’m growing. I’m developing. I’m giving. I’m helping others. I’m determined. I’m grateful. I’m LIVING!
This is what I told my precious client this morning as I responded to her email. Her response said it all: “Thank you Lisa, I’m throwing out that strinkin‘ garbage right now!!” She’s ready to get busy and I love working with her.
Throw out the stinky garbage that’s clogging your MINDSET about yourself! You are phenomenal and that’s all there is to it! God loves you!
If you’re ready to change your MINDSET so that you can change your life? Go HERE and let’s work together! Solutions and Results is what I want for you because I want you to WIN!!