Change is often difficult because it requires decisions that will result in an impact, (hopefully a good one) in your life. Change requires a willingness to do something different, which impacts your routine, resources, and often your comfort or, at least, what you already know.
There are changes that are GOOD for us and are a part of God’s plan. When I embrace change as a part of God’s plan, that’s when I swallow it with ease like honey slowly flowing down my throat rather than the harsh, bitter flavor of cold syrup that turns my lips up and changes my facial expression in ways you couldn’t imagine!
Change is inevitable.
Change is not for cowards.
Change doesn’t always feel good.
Change doesn’t always look good (at first), but if we say, “Our STEPS are ordered in the Lord,” then we surrender our feet to Him (decisions, my plan for His plan, and so on).
I’m making some changes as I’m following His plan. I am excited and nervous, but I have God, my Hubby, and others who love me, the courage of a Lion, the eye of an Eagle, the faith to believe in GOD for the impossible, and the willingness to always GROW and GO forward!
Friends, I pray the changes in your life, even those that are difficult, will propel you forward in all that God still has for your life. Run into it with a YES LORD! Full stop! If you know, then you know what I’m saying!
If you are interested in finding out more about the services I offer, please contact me via Email at or at I would love the opportunity to connect with you.
Warm regards,
Lisa Shaw