by Lisa Shaw | the Whole Woman Radio
David is a great example, other than Jesus, of course, of a relationship with God that is seen in his interactions with God in prayer. [powerpress] Join Lisa Shaw for this special 30 minute teaching on The Whole Woman online radio program, an extension of the teaching...
by Lisa Shaw | the Whole Woman Radio
We continue digging in deep on practical teaching on prayer…. [powerpress] The Whole Woman online radio program with Lisa Shaw, Thursday, Dec. 11th at 11:00 am EST. Tune in as Lisa goes into another aspect of Prayer. If you missed Parts 1, 2 or 3, please visit...
by Lisa Shaw | the Whole Woman Radio
There is amazing power in praying the Word of God, by faith. Deepen your relationship with God as you pray His will for your life. [powerpress] Join Lisa Shaw from for this special episode date an time, of The Whole Woman online radio program on...
by Lisa Shaw | the Whole Woman Radio, Uncategorized
Prayer was never met to be legalistic, religious or difficult. People made it that way, not God. Listen in… [powerpress] This week on The Whole Woman online radio program with Lisa Shaw, we dive into Part 2 of our series: Practical Teaching on Prayer. Grab your...
by Lisa Shaw | the Whole Woman Radio
Do you have questions about your prayer life? Do you view prayer as boring, mysterious or a chore? Are you eager to grow in your prayer life? [powerpress] Lisa Shaw gave a 30 minute introduction to a new series on Prayer. This practical teaching series on prayer...
by Lisa Shaw | the Whole Woman Radio, Uncategorized
You don’t want to miss this! Author and friend, Leah Adams from The Point Ministries points us right to Jesus in her newest Bible Study: HeBrews: A Better Blend on… [powerpress] You will be tremendously blessed in this message. Leah shares a bit with us...