Leaders are not just in the board room or in the pulpit, or in some other capacity that places them in front of large bodies of people. There are great leaders behind the scenes. People you’ll never see, whose names you’ll never know. People who pour into...
Take the limits off. That’s what came to my mind as I watched a tiny bird in the tree outside of my office window. I found it interesting to watch him looking straight ahead fixed on an object in front of him and then he’d look around searching the...
Do you want your life (personal, family, etc.), business, ministry or non-profit organization to be blessed? Please allow me to ask you a few questions before addressing a major component that can directly affect our personal and professional plans. ✓ Are you praying...
I so appreciate the wonderful review of my latest book No Fear: Fear will Grip You or Grow You that Bernadine wrote on her blog Trusting Him with Today. Here’s some of her review. For the rest, please click on the link provided at the end. “Have you ever...
May 31, 2015, I received a health alert of something the doctors advised me is genetic. The alert caused me to take note of what I needed to begin doing differently to take better care of myself so that it wouldn’t become more serious. There have been many...
I just had the pleasure of teaching and coaching an amazing group of women at the This Year No Fear: Get Unstuck. Out of the Rut. women’s workshop at the Hilton. What a wonderful time we had. I focused on several areas that I addressed in my newest book. One of...