I start each day in prayer, and among what I share with God are three heart areas I always express to Him: Use me Lord and give me wisdom in all that you put in my heart and hands to steward over today. Thank you for blessing me to be a blessing in the lives of...
God loves you. He is not only with you, He is for you. He put gifts and talents in you to be used to make an impact on this earth in the lives of others–same reason you have acquired skills, knowledge, and experience–to serve through your business, on your...
You are God’s greatest asset! It’s OK to say as a woman, a leader, wife, mother, single woman, business woman, business owner, speaker, mentor, teacher, grandma and so on that you are NOT OK. Your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health matters to...
Set your staff, volunteers, teams, groups and department members up for success: 1. Don’t micromanage. It may ruin your goals or vision. I have seen this both in the sacred and secular communities. It is an unhealthy form of leadership. It can be viewed as...
I had a conversation with someone yesterday who was super excited because she won a bid from a company she wanted to do business with. She shared with me a comment that was made as to why she won the bid over the other company. While both people had similar skills and...
Do you struggle with people’s opinions of you? Before you quickly say, No Lisa, I don’t. Just think about it for a moment. Do you struggle with trying to please everyone or meet everyone’s expectations of you? Again, pause before you begin to shake...