Christmas Blessings & Looking Forward to 2025 Together!
Hey Friend! As we prepare to step into a new year, my heart is full of gratitude—for you. Whether we've had the privilege of working together this year or you've quietly journeyed alongside through my emails and resources, I want you to know how much I appreciate you....
You are Invited to your 7-Week Journey to Resilience
Calling All Christian Women Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, and Leaders! Are you ready to start 2025 with purpose, strength, and resilience? I’m inviting YOU to join my 7-Week Journey to Resilience, beginning Monday, January 6, 2025! Over 7 weeks, I’ll share...
EXCITED! Did you hear about this? Don’t miss it!
Hey Friend, Did you hear? I have exciting news that I HAVE to share! I especially had to share this with YOU, because this could really help you as an entrepreneur or small business owner or one who desires to be. Next week, I'm hosting a FREE in-depth training...
Change – Change–Honey over Cold Syrup
Change is often difficult because it requires decisions that will result in an impact, (hopefully a good one) in your life. Change requires a willingness to do something different, which impacts your routine, resources, and often your comfort or, at least, what you...
Priorities may change as seasons change. Expect it. Prepare for it. Don’t fight against it with procrastination, guilt-thoughts, and upset. But rather, embrace the changes in priorities. Pray for wisdom, strength, and direction. Move forward. Make adjustments as...
Don’t Miss the Momentum!
Don't miss the momentum! There are some opportunities you prayed for years ago, and God is bringing it to you NOW. Don't hesitate and think you have a while longer to do it! The time is NOW if God is bringing it to you. Nothing like praying, preparing and it shows up...
Navigate FEAR through CLARITY
Fear is often the root of why we stop forward movement in the areas important to us. At times, movement will cease due to a lack of clarity. And a lack of clarity opens the door to fear. You want to transition out of your career or job and start your own business, but...
Square off with FEAR
At some point you have to square off with fear and say, “I’m going to move forward even if I have to do it courageously—afraid!” I would like to invite you to purchase my book: No Fear. Fear will Grip You or Grow You! Please visit my site, where you can see all the...
What’s Getting In The Way?
If you want your personal life (care of yourself spiritually, physically, thought-life, and emotions), your business or ministry, your career or job, your friendships, and more to look different in 2024, something different will be required of you. Yes, I know. I felt...
Share Your Story without Guilt or Shame
In 2024, share your story and do it without embarrassment, guilt, or shame to the people God leads you to. Is there a book within you? Write it. Is there a song within you? Sing it. Is there a business within you? Start it. Is there a ministry within you? Build it....
Block out the Noise!
If God called you to it, then do it. Block out the noise in life that is trying to distract you—people’s opinions, fears, anxiety, the what ifs, the Is it too late, am I too young or too old? Can I live out my purpose? And more. It’s a new year and time to SOAR in...
God is the real CEO
I start each day in prayer, and among what I share with God are three heart areas I always express to Him: Use me Lord and give me wisdom in all that you put in my heart and hands to steward over today. Thank you for blessing me to be a blessing in the lives of...
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