Many times women see themselves based on what others have said about them, how they’ve been treated and the lies that the enemy pours into their thoughts. All too often women judge themselves by their weight, shape, facial features, hair, their social, educational and economic status, and even based on whether or not they have children. And if that’s not bad enough we see the harsh critique among us as women.
1 Samuel 16:7 (AMP) But the Lord said to Samuel, Look not on his appearance or at the height of his stature, for I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.
At times women even harshly critique each other based on their parenting and schooling decisions, how they manage their homes, working or not working, ministry roles, accomplishments and the accomplishments of their children. This may further enhance feelings of inadequacy and even jealousy toward other women because many women compare themselves to each other. That is so dangerous to do and not biblical. The enemy wants us to compare ourselves and feel inadequate in the various roles we live.
God made us each uniquely different and each one of us are precious in His sight and valuable to Him. The world (society) may accept or reject you based on some of what I shared above; but the truth is you do not need validation from people when you have already been validated by God.
When Samuel was searching for the next king, per God’s directive, as he saw Jesse and seven of his sons, he began to think about which one it could be but God cautioned him that the world looks upon the outer appearance but God looks at the heart. God’s heart was connected with David the youngest who was out in the fields tending to the sheep. Sometimes the one people least expect is the one God has His eye on!
Ever wonder why God wants to use your life for something amazing? Ever feel like you’re not the right one? Do you think about your past, what was done to you or what you engaged in and you think to yourself, “there’s no way God would want to use my life now for His glory”. Perhaps you feel that your body size, age, social or education status puts you in a class below other women. Stop it. Please stop thinking that way about yourself. As I shared in my book: You Are Beautiful In God’s Eyes, “you are bright, brilliant and beautiful in God’s eyes”. When He looks at you He sees His treasured child. He adores you. Yes He does. Time to believe it. Time to believe Him.
Cheering you on!